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First-Gen Advisory Council

The First-Gen Advisory Council (FGAC) is a vital component of the University of Utah’s commitment to supporting first-generation students.

  Purpose and Role

As an independent sounding board, FGAC collaborates with the university administration, faculty, and staff to ensure that first-gen students have a voice in shaping policies and programs. The council actively engages in assessing feedback and providing recommendations related to academic initiatives, student services, and campus resources. By advocating for first-gen students, FGAC contributes to creating an inclusive and supportive environment that fosters both academic excellence and social well-being.

  Representation and Membership

FGAC comprises a diverse group of individuals, including faculty members, staff, administrators, and first-gen students themselves. The council ensures that the unique perspectives and needs of first-gen students are considered in decision-making processes. Members serve voluntarily and bring their expertise to discussions about policies, programs, and initiatives.

  Collaboration with the Center for First-Generation Success

FGAC collaborates closely with the Center for First-Generation Success to align its efforts with the center’s mission. Together, they work to enhance the overall experience of first-gen students by addressing challenges, celebrating achievements, and promoting a sense of belonging.

  Impact and Outcomes

FGAC’s work directly impacts the success and retention rates of first-gen students. By advocating for resources such as mentorship programs, workshops, and academic support services, the council contributes to positive outcomes for this student population.

Last Updated: 5/28/24